Investing in Children, Families and Communities

DCELC Mission Statement
The mission of DCELC is to work with a wide range of stakeholders to prepare children from birth to school entry for success in school, careers and in life by improving the quality and quantity, and affordability of high-quality early care and education services in the District of Columbia.

DCELC Vision Statement
The creation of a seamless continuum of high-quality Early Childhood Education programs and services in the District of Columbia that result in positive outcomes for all young children and their families? We share that vision and we invite you to join the DC Early Learning Collaborative in making that vision a reality.

DCELC Theory of Change
The DC Early Learning Collaborative will develop, acquire and disseminate economic, social and educational research; utilize state of the art communication, mobilization tools and strategies; and convene and collaborate with early learning professionals and other key stakeholders to achieve high-quality early care and education in the District of Columbia.

DCELC History Timeline
At Work For Our Community
Our Proud Partners
Because of our partners we are doing better for more people!

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